Webinar: Formulation and Testing – Reality Check for New (Greener) Ingredients
On 13 May 2024 this insightful webinar will delve into the real-world performance of cutting-edge advancements in bio-based solutions within the paint and coatings industry, subjecting them to a rigorous reality check.

Greener ingredients for paints and coatings – The PERFECOAT webinar series continues!
On 8 April 2024 the CBE JU funded research project PERFECOAT will launch the second episode of its webinar series tailored for young researchers on bio-based compounds for sustainable paints and coatings.

Organised by two EU-funded research projects, CHAMPION and PERFECOAT, this stakeholder event is dedicated to the latest developments in bio-based solutions for a variety of materials such as coatings, paints, adhesives and detergents

Starting on 5 March 2024 the CBE JU funded research project PERFECOAT launches its upcoming webinar series to present bio-based compounds for sustainable paints and coatings as well as end applications to young researchers.

Invitation to the Stakeholder Event “Bio-Based Innovations for Industrial Applications“
Explore the latest bio-based solutions for a variety of applications. The event combines presentations, a poster exhibition and plenty of opportunities for networking. Speakers will include researchers involved in the development of new bio-based materials and representatives from industry and the CBE JU.

Painting a Bio-Based Future with Microbially Produced Alginates, Lipids and Pigments
To add to the pursuit of a climate-neutral Europe and a truly circular economy, the PERFECOAT project develops and validates a new generation of industrial wood and decorative coatings with more than 25% bio-based components

Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten mithilfe von mikrobiell hergestellten Alginaten, Lipiden und Pigmenten
Um ein klimaneutrales Europa zu schaffen und Kreislaufwirtschaft aktiv zu fördern, entwickelt und validiert das Forschungsprojekt PERFECOAT eine neue Generation industrieller Holz- und Dekorationsfarben und Lacke mit über 25% bio-basierten Komponenten.

Achieving a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 requires the replacement of fossil-based material with bio-based material on a broad basis. Today, almost 1 million tonnes of paints and coatings are produced in Europe each year, with more than 80 % still being from fossil resources. Even those coatings that do rely on bio-based compounds often have CO₂ footprints little different from the existing coatings. Reducing the impact of these coatings would represent a major advance in Europe’s climate ambitions. To address this challenge the PERFECOAT project will develop and validate a new generation of industrial wood and decorative coatings with significantly more than 25 % bio-based components that meet and even surpass the current quality and sustainability standards.

BBI JU to invest €104.5 million into circular bio-based projects
This is the seventh and last BBI JU call which will bring the total investment of the initiative to €821.6 million and the BBI JU’s portfolio to 142 projects